Renewable energy from crops and agrowastes  
selected presentations and publications
Joint Cropgen/IEA workshop Utrecht  
author title download
R Braun Workshop programme
W Friedt Plant breeding potential to improve energy crops for the use in biogas
W Elbersen Switchgrass and Miscanthus as energy crops - agricultural aspects
B Elbersen Biodiversity impacts of enhanced energy crop production in EU farmland areas
R. Braun Summary of Topic 1 - Identification and development of crops for energy production
P Weiland Results and bottle necks of energy crop digestion plants - required process technology innovations
J Rintala Preliminary results of biomass storing and pre-treatment
A Nordberg Preliminary results from the Agrioptigas project
HJ van Dooren Experience with co-digestion of energy crops
D Baxter Summary of topic 2 - biomass processing concepts, storage, pre- and post- treatment technologies and impacts
A Faaij Energy balances of bio-energy systems; the relative position of biogas production
Pål Börjesson Energy and environmental analysis of biogas systems
S Stucki Energetic use of biomass - competing or complementing technologies
J Neeft Summary of topic 3 - overall energy balance of crop to biogas systems
J Sanders Biorefinery, the bridge between Agriculture and Chemistry
P Struik Biocascading - towards efficient biomass chains
JB Holm-Nielsen Predicted energy crop potentials for biogas/bioenergy worldwide - regions - EU 25
M Jormnainen Summary of topic 4 - potential of integrated biogas systems


last modified 20/03/2008